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Personal Injury – Aviation Claims

Best Personal Injury Lawyer in West Covina

At the Law Firm of Oscar Ischiu, Esq., we understand that aviation accidents can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience for those involved. If you or a loved one has been injured in an aviation accident, it is important to understand the complexities of aviation injury claims and how an experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal process.

Understanding the Parties Involved in an Aviation Accident

One of the first complexities of aviation injury claims is understanding the parties involved in the accident. In addition to the passengers and crew, there may be multiple defendants such as the aircraft manufacturer, maintenance company, and airport operator. Each of these parties may have different levels of liability and insurance coverage. An experienced attorney can help you identify all of the parties involved and hold them accountable for their actions.

The Role of Federal Aviation Regulations

Another complexity of aviation injury claims is the role of federal aviation regulations. These regulations set standards for the design, construction, and operation of aircrafts, and they also govern how accidents are investigated. An attorney with knowledge of these regulations can help you understand the regulations that may have been violated and how they may have contributed to the accident.

Navigating the Statute of Limitations in Aviation Injury Claims

Another complexity of aviation injury claims is navigating the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the time period in which a lawsuit must be filed. In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years from the date of the accident. However, in aviation injury claims, the statute of limitations may be shorter due to the Federal Aviation Administration Extension of Limitations Act (FAAELA). This act reduces the statute of limitations for certain aviation injury claims to just one year. It’s important to be aware of these time constraints and to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your claim is filed within the appropriate time frame.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Another complexity of aviation injury claims is dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies have a vested interest in minimizing the amount of money they pay out on claims. They may try to minimize your injuries or offer you a low settlement that does not fully compensate you for your losses. An attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance companies and ensure that you receive a fair settlement for your injuries.

Wrongful Death Claims

In some cases, aviation accidents result in fatalities. If a loved one has been killed in an aviation accident, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim. These claims can be particularly complex as they involve multiple parties and may require a thorough understanding of state and federal laws. An attorney with experience in wrongful death claims can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that you and your family receive the compensation you deserve.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Aviation Injury Claim

Navigating the complexities of aviation injury claims requires the expertise of a qualified attorney. It’s important to choose an attorney who is experienced in handling aviation injury claims and has a proven track record of success. At the Law Firm of Oscar Ischiu, Esq., we have extensive experience in handling aviation injury claims and have helped numerous clients recover compensation for their injuries.

Our attorneys are highly skilled in identifying all parties involved in the accident, understanding the federal aviation regulations that may have been violated, and gathering evidence to prove liability. We also have a deep understanding of the statute of limitations and can help ensure that your claim is filed within the appropriate time frame. We also have a long-standing reputation of success when it comes to dealing with insurance companies and wrongful death claims.

We understand the stress and trauma that aviation accidents can cause and we are dedicated to helping our clients recover the compensation they deserve. We offer a consultation to discuss your case and answer any questions you may have.

Best Personal Injury Lawyer in West Covina

If you or a loved one has been injured in an aviation accident, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our attorneys are available to assist clients in the Los Angeles and greater West Covina area. With our experience and expertise, we can help you navigate the complexities of aviation injury claims and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact the Law Firm of Oscar Ischiu, Esq. today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you with your aviation injury claim.


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