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How “Precedence” Can Win Your Civil Court Case


The Impact of Precedent on Civil Court Cases: An Overview

As a plaintiff or defendant in a civil court case, understanding the role of precedent can be crucial to your success. Precedent refers to previously decided cases that can be used as guidance in current cases. These decisions can come from higher courts or even the same court, and can help predict how a judge may rule on a particular issue. In this article, we will discuss the impact of precedent on civil court cases and how it can affect your legal strategy.

How Precedent is Established in Civil Court Cases

Precedent can be established in various ways, including by the United States Supreme Court, federal courts of appeals, and state appellate courts. When a court makes a ruling, it creates a precedent that can be cited in future cases. The higher the court, the more binding its precedent is on lower courts. For example, a decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court is binding on all lower federal and state courts. In contrast, a decision made by a California Court of Appeals is only binding on lower California state courts.

However, it’s important to note that not all precedents are created equal. Some precedent may be considered “persuasive” rather than “binding.” Persuasive precedent refers to decisions made by courts that are not binding, but can still be used to support a legal argument. For instance, a California state court may consider a decision made by a New York state court if the two cases involve similar issues.

The Role of Precedent in Civil Court Cases

Precedent plays a significant role in civil court cases, as it provides guidance for judges in making decisions. Judges are expected to follow precedent, especially when it comes from higher courts. However, precedent is not always clear cut, and there may be conflicting decisions from different courts. In such cases, a judge may have to decide which precedent to follow or create a new precedent altogether.

For attorneys, understanding precedent is crucial to developing a successful legal strategy. Attorneys can use precedent to support their arguments or challenge their opponents’ arguments. They can also use it to predict how a judge may rule on a particular issue. An experienced attorney will have a deep understanding of precedent and how it can be applied to a case.

Examples of Precedent in Civil Court Cases

To understand how precedent works in civil court cases, it can be helpful to look at some examples. For instance, the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education is a significant precedent in civil rights cases. In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. This decision established a precedent that has been used in subsequent cases involving discrimination in education and other areas.

Another example is the case Roe v. Wade, in which the U.S. Supreme Court established a precedent that a woman’s right to privacy includes the right to have an abortion. This precedent has been cited in numerous cases involving reproductive rights and has been instrumental in shaping laws and policies around the country.

In civil cases, precedents can also be established by lower courts. For example, a California Court of Appeals decision in a wrongful termination case could be cited as a precedent in future wrongful termination cases in California state courts. These precedents are essential in guiding judges’ decisions and helping attorneys build strong legal arguments.

Using Precedent to Build Strong Legal Arguments

In civil court cases, attorneys must be adept at using precedent to build strong legal arguments. This can involve researching similar cases and identifying relevant precedents to support their clients’ positions. Attorneys must also be able to distinguish between binding and persuasive precedent and understand when and how to use each in court.

When an attorney cites a precedent in court, they must explain how the case is similar to the one at hand and how the precedent supports their client’s position. Attorneys must also be prepared to address any differences between the cases and explain why the precedent should still be applied. This requires a deep understanding of the law and the ability to make persuasive arguments in court.

The Importance of Hiring an Experienced Civil Litigation Attorney

When it comes to navigating the complex world of civil litigation, having an experienced attorney on your side is crucial. An experienced attorney can help you understand the impact of precedent on your case, develop a strong legal strategy, and make persuasive arguments in court. In addition, they can help you navigate the many rules and procedures involved in civil court cases, ensuring that you comply with all requirements and deadlines.

An experienced civil litigation attorney can also provide valuable guidance and support throughout the entire legal process, from pre-trial negotiations to trial and appeal. They can help you understand your rights and options, assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and work with you to achieve the best possible outcome.

Hire the Best Lawyers in West Covina

If you are involved in a civil dispute or need legal representation in a civil court case, contact the Law Firm of Oscar Ischiu, Esq. today. Our experienced attorneys have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you achieve a successful outcome. We offer a wide range of civil litigation services, including pre-trial negotiations, trial representation, and appeals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you with your legal needs.


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